Shay Savage, LLC | June 14, 2016 | Historical Romance
Unexpected Circumstances, book 2
As Alexandra tries to conform to her new life, she soon discovers that betrayal lies inside the castle walls. When noblewomen plot against her, Alexandra ends up on the receiving end of Branford’s rage. Earning the trust of her wary husband will be no easy task for the young handmaid.Branford may know his way around their bedchamber, but he’s finding himself ill-prepared to handle the duties of both prince and husband. His missteps bring down the wrath of the queen, and he will have to do everything in his power to atone for his transgressions. Branford must find a way to open his heart to his new wife if either of them has a chance of overcoming the treachery ahead.
{ about shay savage } .
Shay Savage lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her family and a variety of household pets. She is an accomplished public speaker, and holds the rank of Distinguished Toastmaster from Toastmasters International. When not writing, she enjoys science fiction movies, masquerading as a zombie, is a HUGE Star Wars fan, and member of the 501st Legion of Stormtroopers. When the geek fun runs out, she also loves soccer in any and all forms - especially the Columbus Crew, Arsenal and Bayern Munich - and anxiously awaits the 2014 World Cup. Savage holds a degree in psychology, and she brings a lot of that knowledge into the characters within her stories.
{ excerpt } .
“Please don’t get rid of me!” I finally cried out and then covered my mouth with my hand, horrified.“Oh, Alexandra!” Branford shook his head. “Why would you think such a thing?”
I had to look into his eyes because he sounded so sincere, and I needed to understand.
“Because I’m not good enough,” I said. “I'm only a handmaid. I don't know how to be your wife. I have no idea how to behave as the wife of a prince.”
“Alexandra,” he said, slowly drawing my name out. “I'm not going to send you away.”
“You could,” I whispered, “or worse.”
“Alexandra,” Branford repeated, his voice nearly as quiet as my own. “Have I given you any reason to think I would do such a thing?”
Sunniva’s words about assertiveness and being noble of heart came back to me. Maybe he hadn’t said as much in my presence, but he hadn’t said anything to the contrary, either.
“You haven’t given me reason to think you would not.”
“Why would I cast you out?” Branford asked.
Did he want me to list all the reasons again, or was he looking for something else? I was certain I had spent more time second-guessing myself in the last two days than I had in my entire life.
“You have…you could…there could be someone else you want to choose instead,” I whispered.
“What on earth are you talking about?”
I took a deep breath and decided if I didn’t say it now, I probably never would.
“I saw you…last night,” I said, hesitating a moment. I took a deep breath. “You were with that pretty woman from the court.”
I felt his chest muscles contract under the side of my face, and his arms gripped me tighter for a moment before he relaxed again.
“What do you mean, you saw me?”
“You were in the garden,” I said. “While I was waiting for you, I went out to see what it looked like at night. You were there…with that lady.”
“You were talking…and I heard you say…” I paused, both to try to remember his exact words as well as wonder what on earth I thought I was doing. If my words were taken as an accusation—right or wrong—against my husband and prince, the consequences could be dire. He owned me, and if he decided to either cast me out for the favor of a new wife or keep me to the side as he entertained himself with someone else, there would be nothing I could do about it.
“Say what, Alexandra?”
“That you would have to replace me.”
{ review } .
This little serial just keeps getting better! I like to have all the books at once, but this time, I'm enjoying savoring each part, wondering what's going to happen next.
In this second part, we pick up right where we left off. Branford is still incredibly protective and has his super sweet moments. He doesn't understand Alexandra's continuous titling of him, but he does enjoy her 'My Branford' moments. We are thrust into a scene that will show just how far Alexandra has to go in order to feel as one with her now husband, and while reading the scene I was completely livid for Alexandra. I knew, I just knew, Branford's reaction would be the same.
Let's just end that note with -- he disappointed me. Thank goodness for mothers named Sunniva.
In this part, these two are more or less forced to talk to one another. Branford tries to understand Alexandra, and to that, I really liked him. Alexandra can't see that his kind words are because he's happy to have her as a wife, and rather than be annoyed with her, I could understand her and feel for her. All her life, she knew to not talk down to those above her; they ask something of you, you answer in kind; you never dispute what they say and you never bring negative light to them. This is a hurdle that will take time for her to cross, and I'm oh so thankful that Ms. Savage hasn't forced her over it yet. After all, it's only been a matter of days.
We learn a bit more about Branford's reactions, and why. Heartbreaking, I have to say, and makes things understandable. These two are really cute when he's being sweet and she's forgotten "he's above her". This is turning out to be a favorite for me in the historical romance genre.
In this second part, we pick up right where we left off. Branford is still incredibly protective and has his super sweet moments. He doesn't understand Alexandra's continuous titling of him, but he does enjoy her 'My Branford' moments. We are thrust into a scene that will show just how far Alexandra has to go in order to feel as one with her now husband, and while reading the scene I was completely livid for Alexandra. I knew, I just knew, Branford's reaction would be the same.
Let's just end that note with -- he disappointed me. Thank goodness for mothers named Sunniva.
In this part, these two are more or less forced to talk to one another. Branford tries to understand Alexandra, and to that, I really liked him. Alexandra can't see that his kind words are because he's happy to have her as a wife, and rather than be annoyed with her, I could understand her and feel for her. All her life, she knew to not talk down to those above her; they ask something of you, you answer in kind; you never dispute what they say and you never bring negative light to them. This is a hurdle that will take time for her to cross, and I'm oh so thankful that Ms. Savage hasn't forced her over it yet. After all, it's only been a matter of days.
We learn a bit more about Branford's reactions, and why. Heartbreaking, I have to say, and makes things understandable. These two are really cute when he's being sweet and she's forgotten "he's above her". This is turning out to be a favorite for me in the historical romance genre.
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