S.L. Scott | October 23, 2015 | New Adult Romance
Their love burned bright, white hot, and strikingly blue around the edges.
Some thought them careless.
Some thought them crazy.
No one approved.
Taylor Barrett was looking for answers in a universe that had abandoned him.
Jude Boehler flooded her dark world with charisma and mystery, drawing everyone into her hurricane.
It was a most captivating of love affairs. They were shooting stars, meteors in the sky, colliding to create a spectacularly wonderful reckless romance, leaving them breathless and tethered.
But that’s what Love does.
Their souls were exposed to the chaos, bare and vulnerable. Can these two star-crossed lovers survive the madness that is life?
{ about s.l. scott } .
S.L. Scott is a former high-tech account manager with a journalism degree pursuing her passion for telling stories. She spends her days escaping into her characters and letting them lead her on their adventures.
Live music shows, harvesting jalapenos and eating homemade guacamole are her obsessions she calls hobbies.
Scott lives in the beautiful Texas hill country of Austin with her husband, two young sons, two Papillons and a bowl full of Sea Monkeys.
Her novels include Naturally, Charlie, Good Vibrations, and A Prior Engagement.
She welcomes your notes at sl@slscottauthor.com.
{ review } .
After doing a promo spot with this book upon release, I had to read it. The read seemed extremely interesting.And in all honesty, it was interesting -- there were just a few things that didn't hold my interest.
First off, Jude... Jude's mind is like a butterfly in a wind tunnel, going every which way. She had many "Squirrel!" moments that just drove me bonkers. I understood the reasoning behind them -- I knew before they were even truly spelled out -- but I would have liked that to have been resolved sooner in the story.
Second, I felt that Taylor's attraction to the girl in the chartreuse sundress in the middle of winter, was more of a stick-it-to-ya to his parents. The relationship happened too quickly for me to feel it was true, real, deep. Don't get me wrong, I loved how he accepted her and grew to love her mind, loved her chaos -- and stood up for her -- but it just felt more like a rubbing-it-in to his parents.
And third, the part that had me drawing out of movie-mode and crashing me back into reality... The point of view.
While the story was told in third-person, it did have Jude parts and Taylor parts -- and they often interchanged in a single chunk of paragraphs --
She could feel Hazel's gaze and returned to face him...He watched the peculiar girl twirl in front of him...
For the most part, Scott was consistent; she'd start something heavily in Jude's thoughts and when she'd switch to Taylor's without a proper paragraph break, she'd stay in the new point of view... but it happened enough to annoy me. But if you've ever dabbled in writing -- this is so easy to do! It's why when I write, I have recently chosen to do so in the first-person.
Taylor's story, though, broke my heart and I ached for the man. In a world that was crashing all around him, he found ground in the chaotic girl; so for that, I enjoyed Jude.
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