Hate F*@K by Ainsley Booth
Publisher: Amazon Digital (2/17/2015)
Series: Horus Group, book 1
Genre: Romantic Suspense serial
Source: NetGalley
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Rating: ★★★★★
Warning: This is just the start. This doesn't end well. And it's going to get much worse before it ever gets better.
I push her buttons. I want to push them in the good way. Dirty, up-against-the-wall, my-hand-in-her-pants kind of way.
But that’s not possible, because I’m dark and she’s light, and we both know it.
So I push her buttons in the bad way, making her hate me.
If a genie granted me three wishes, I’d ask for Cole Parker to never look at me again, that I’d forget the dark promise in his eyes, and that just once, before he vanished from my life completely, that he’d push me up against a wall and fuck me.
Then I’d go wash my mouth out with soap.
{ review } .
I am that self-proclaiming reader who hates serial romances...
...at least I hated the ones I got my hands on in the fall. PLAY ME I figured I only liked/dealt with because I had all the books in the serial at my hands. When I read ROCK & RELEASE: VIP, I was less than thrilled. And then there was ONLY FOR HIM... and I loved it -- but I attributed that to the author.
After some hemming and hawing, I decided I really wanted to read this one, and pressed 'Request' and so far?
So flipping good.
Hailey wants nothing to do with her family. NOTHING. Her last name has done nothing for her but ruin her chances for anything good. After her sister performs some... less than honorable acts with the Vice President. Both her father and sister have made national news in the last six months, and not the good kind. As she says, she's just had the misfortune of being born into a fucked up family'.
As such, she gets herself a nifty little 'body guard'... not that Cole is nifty or little in any sense.
She and Cole do not get along.
On the flipside, though... they're both terribly attracted to the other.
Cole enjoys pushing her buttons -- mainly because of said attraction.
I absolutely loved these two. When Cole lets his guard down and isn't the tough-assed man... he's pretty sweet on Hailey -- but don't let him hear that. And the end?
...I think that Hailey has is allll wrong.
...but I get where she's coming from. Trust is something she doesn't give easily, if ever at all.
After some hemming and hawing, I decided I really wanted to read this one, and pressed 'Request' and so far?
So flipping good.
Hailey wants nothing to do with her family. NOTHING. Her last name has done nothing for her but ruin her chances for anything good. After her sister performs some... less than honorable acts with the Vice President. Both her father and sister have made national news in the last six months, and not the good kind. As she says, she's just had the misfortune of being born into a fucked up family'.
As such, she gets herself a nifty little 'body guard'... not that Cole is nifty or little in any sense.
She and Cole do not get along.
On the flipside, though... they're both terribly attracted to the other.
Cole enjoys pushing her buttons -- mainly because of said attraction.
If I can't have her bent over my bed, I'll take her spitting fire at me. Not nearly as satisfying, but it's something. -- ColeAs for Hailey, she has a difficult time with her attraction to the man that's on her father's speed dial because she can't control him, nor put him in a box with a pretty bow on it.
I can't put Cole in a box. There's no duct tape strong enough. -- Hailey...I had to add that little blurb. It makes me chuckle.
I absolutely loved these two. When Cole lets his guard down and isn't the tough-assed man... he's pretty sweet on Hailey -- but don't let him hear that. And the end?
...I think that Hailey has is allll wrong.
...but I get where she's coming from. Trust is something she doesn't give easily, if ever at all.
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