Binge by Jennifer Foor
Publisher: JMF Publishing Inc (4/27/2015)
Series: Seven Year Itch, book 1
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
Source: InkSlinger PR
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Rating: ★★★★
Flynn & Aria Roberts have had plenty of ups and downs during their seven year marriage. Everyone warned them not to wed so young - that they'd be missing out on the key years when people grow from young adults to mature individuals.
The only thing holding them together now is their love for each other, and even that is becoming questionable. To save the marriage, and the family they've already started, Flynn and Aria come up with an unconventional solution to help them find what's missing in their relationship.
The only problem is doing so involves rediscovering themselves completely, even if it requires them to be unfaithful. Can a marriage survive when vows are broken, or will chance encounters prove they've been missing out all-along?
Fulfill your deepest Desires
Give in to Temptation

about Jennifer || Jennifer Foor is an award winning Contemporary Romance Author. She's best known for the Mitchell Family Series, which includes ten books.
She is married with two children and spends most of her time behind a keyboard, writing stories that come from her heart.
{ excerpt } .
While still a blubbering mess, I picked up the phone and dialed Flynn’s number. I needed to hear his voice.
He sounded groggy. “Hello?”
“It’s me.” My voice was low to hide my emotions.
“Are you crying?”
It was easier to lie. “No, I’m fine.”
“Aria, you can’t hide that from me. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“There is something wrong with me, Flynn. I’m confused all the time. I keep making one bad decision after another. Maybe I deserve to be alone. Maybe you should have left a long time ago.”
“I stayed because I love you. I might have a shitty way of showing it, but I’ve love you for as long as I can remember. That’s never going to change, even if we’re not together.”
I sobbed on my end of the phone. It was so clear that Flynn was tired of my head games. “I’m so sorry for my part in this.”
“I deserved most of it I suppose. It’s not like I’m perfect. I made mistakes I wish I could take back; mistakes that hurt you beyond belief. I’d do anything to erase the things from your memory, though we both know it’s not possible. I keep thinking about everything, wondering the exact moment when everything went to shit. I talk to Dr. Ellis about this yesterday. She said…”
“Wait. What did you say? You talked to Dr. Ellis yesterday? Was it over the phone?” It was the weekend. She didn’t have office hours. Were my fears about them being together confirmed?
“No, I saw her. She was at the same place I was staying. She showed up yesterday and we went out to dinner.”
I couldn’t hear anymore of this. “I thought we were having a good conversation. I thought it was progress. The truth is you’re never going to change. This call was a mistake, but at least it’s proven you can never be trusted.”
“Aria, wait…”
I hung up and turned my phone off so he couldn’t call me back. Determined to leave the house before he could show up and tell me more lies, I started getting ready for the big event. Now more than ever I wanted to rid myself of the hole he’d left in my heart. I was going to go through with my plans, and even guilt wasn’t going to stop me.
{ review } .
There is a very specific reason as to why I chose the excerpt above that I did, and without going to much into it, the simple in and out of it is this:
Flynn and Aria have major miscommunication issues, and you feel that from the first chapter to one of the last.
These two got together in high school, got pregnant and married, and things started to fizzle. This is a story of an ending marriage, and what happens when at least one spouse tries to fight for it.
Aria has major misconconceptions when it comes to her husband. Did he make mistakes in the early years? Yes. Heck, he made a pretty major mistake fairly recently but he hid it from her. Do I agree with the secret? No, but I can understand his reasoning.
The problem is that Aria holds his earlier mistakes against him. Throughout the years, her self-confidence has dwindled and as such, she sees her overly handsome husband being hit on by equally beautiful women; she's slowly become a pretty bitter shell of her former self. Even therapy -- as an individual and once and again as a couple -- doesn't help heal her but drive her further and further away from Flynn.
Aria's moods are all over the board, one minute to the next. She pulls Flynn in then pushes him away. When they discuss fantasies at the opinion of their therapist, all Aria sees in his list are 'other women' -- she doesn't see that his list is mostly about and for her.
I have to say... when these two fight, they fight nasty. They're rude and hurtful, trying to find the worst button to press in the other. It is honestly amazing to me that they made it work as long as they did.
I really enjoyed Flynn in this story. He wanted to make their marriage work -- he loved Aria and their daughter. He wanted a happy home for their Emery, but equally, he wanted Aria happy and was willing to do what she wanted. His feelings for Aria were extremely evident in the pages, more so the one or two times he broke down and cried.
Aria I didn't much care for... I wanted to understand her (and truly, I very much understand the way she was written and feel that Jennifer did the role justice) -- I just had more feelings for Flynn; he seemed to be the one willing to fight for their marriage the most.
In the end... This was certainly an unconventional way to heal a marriage, as the synopsis entails, but all in all, it was a good read. As this is part of a series, I'm curious as to where Jennifer is going to take the next books.
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