Fever by Jamie K. Schmidt
Publisher: Loveswept (3/17/2015)
Series: Club Inferno, book 3
Genre: Erotic Romance
Source: NetGalley/Tasty Book Tours
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Rating: ★★★★1/2
Genre: Erotic Romance
Source: NetGalley/Tasty Book Tours
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Rating: ★★★★1/2
Readers of Fifty Shades of Grey and Bared to You will savor a visit to Club Inferno, the erotic playground where glitz and glamour mix with leather and whips.
Deep in the shadows of her exclusive fashion resort, Couture, Colleen Bryant presides over a much more intimate world: Club Inferno. The successful businesswoman and sex instructor has built an empire that caters to the BDSM elite, but now she finds herself longing for something a bit more ordinary: a man to love. She’s not sure how to find someone who will accept what she does for a living—or the kinks that drive her wild—until her old flame, ex-pro football player Chase Fairwood, comes back in her life.
There’s no woman as hot, sexy, or exciting as Colleen—and Chase knows it. He also knows he’s man enough to play her games, and to give as good as he gets. His return to Club Inferno reignites Colleen’s scorching demands, along with a new determination to test his resolve. Soon he’s competing against a rival Dom to brand Colleen as his own. But Chase has a secret weapon: the burning desire to offer his body—and his heart—in sweet surrender.
Fever is an erotic romance intended for mature audiences.

Jamie holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the State University of New York at New Paltz in Secondary Education English, which is a fancy way of saying she went to college to teach high school English. When that didn't pan out, she worked as a call center manager, a Tupperware consultant, a paralegal, and finally a technical writer for a major conglomerate company. She is an active member in the Romance Writers of America (RWA). When not writing, Jamie relaxes with a mug of hot tea and knits or makes beaded jewelry.
{ excerpt } .
Colleen Bryant’s shoulder ached from the repeated use of the cane on Senator Clemmons’s back. She was admiring her pattern and judging his pain level when he sighed and release shook through him.
“You didn’t ask my permission,” she said with a twinge of cold hatred.
“I’m sorry, Mistress.”
She strode across the dungeon to put the cane away. Her boots clacked ominously on the lacquered floor. Picking up a leather quirt, Colleen strode back over to him and waited until he shut his eyes and whimpered.
“Count,” she ordered, and whacked the small whip on his bare buttocks with a snap of her wrist.
He hissed an indrawn breath of pain and gritted out one through ten.
Colleen set her jaw, annoyed that his selfishness denied both of them the level of satisfaction they were striving for. If he didn’t pay so well, and turned a blind eye in directions she didn’t want anyone to look, she would have given him over to another Domme.
“Thank you, Mistress,” he panted.
Normally, she’d soothe a vitamin A and E salve over her submissive’s marks and fetch him a glass of cold water while he came down from the endorphin high. Today, she snapped her fingers and one of the other dungeon submissives scurried over to assist the senator.
“Thank you,” Colleen heard him sigh again before she slammed the door.
Her hands, encased in black leather gloves, clenched into fists. She forced herself to relax one finger at a time. It wasn’t as if she had been planning to orgasm during the session. Hell, the senator wanted just humiliation and someone to beat his ass, not an energetic sex scene. Still, there should be a connection between a Domme and sub—a trust that the senator would never give her. Colleen missed the feeling of being given the gift of absolute obedience.
But she’d gone in there knowing that Clemmons was a shitty sub. Now it was her turn to sigh. He was trying to learn the concept of letting go in order to achieve a more intense and satisfying orgasm. She’d thought that this time he’d trust her enough to take him the distance so he could fully immerse himself in submission. She shook her head. Not going to happen. The senator always rushed to orgasm, as if he was afraid it would be taken away from him. Biting her lip, Colleen wondered if she could get him to bring his wife to a session.
{ review } .
When I first picked up this book, I knew that I'd read a Club Inferno book before, but I couldn't quite place it, not like I do Stacey Kennedy's CLUB SIN series...
And immediately I recalled why.
While it's not a bad thing, one of the things that sets the Inferno books apart from the Sin books is the style of the club. In my mind, at least, both have extremely different feels. The Club Inferno books deal with super Doms/Dommes and extremely submissive subs -- we're talking penis cages and everything. I remember reading about Dante and his parading subs in penis cages in LONGING and being a bit taken aback. Not that there's anything wrong with that style of BDSM, it just wasn't quite what I was expecting.
That said...
I did enjoy this read.
Colleen has always been a dominating partner. When she found her football boyfriend in bed with more cheerleaders than he has appendages for, she walks away and doesn't look back. Within a month, she was married to a man three times her age and was being touted as a gold digging whore... more or less.
Ten years hasn't dimmed the need that Chase feels for Colleen. And now that her old man's dead, he wants to win her back. Colleen takes him through a series of 'tests' to see if he's ready to submit to her lifestyle (err... no pun intended, I swear) and Chase has his highs and his lows.
Chase is a man's man. He's a retired, injured football player who enjoys having the power. But he slowly learns that he rather enjoys watching Colleen give dominating instruction. Chase, being the strong-headed male that he is, tries to find ways to keep Colleen around -- but then they run into trust issues.
Chase certainly isn't the best submissive -- he tends to get hot headed and run away. However, I have to say... Colleen's real good about the whole, "Well if you would have just stayed your punishment would have been this" -- almost like she was taunting him with his 'bad' behavior. Part of me is curious if her punishments would have been true, or if they were simply for the wow-factor.
In the end, Chase and Colleen need to find a happy medium -- but it certainly won't be easy with the hurdles people keep throwing in their way. Trust becomes a huge theme in their book, and is something both needed to work on in order to get to their very own happily ever after by 'the end'.
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